The Scope of This Journal
The IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management is a scholarly, peer reviewed journal of the National Accounting Institute, Accountant General’s Department, Malaysia. Manuscripts appropriate for publication in this journal include critical reviews of best practices in public sector management and accounting, theoretical and conceptual syntheses, literature reviews and empirical research using quantitative or qualitative methods. Manuscript length should be in the range of 3,000 to 7,000 words, exclusive of tables, figures and appendices. Manuscripts submitted to this journal should not have been published or being considered for publication elsewhere. However, revision or re-publication of a manuscript that has been published in conference proceedings or under equivalent circumstances will be considered. Manuscripts can be written in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
Why Write For This Journal?
The journal publishes original works that covering innovative research and practice in various areas of public sector accounting and management. As public sector plays a vital role as an enabler and facilitator of private sector initiatives by providing efficient delivery systems and a customer-focused service, this journal could be a reliable and valuable source for public sector managers and researchers in looking for fresh ways in dealing with problems. The journal will be widely circulated to various government agencies throughout Malaysia. Hence, we will ensure that the quality of the journal is of the highest quality possible.
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